Carrie Cunningham Photography Shop
2025 Birth Documentation $1000 ** BF SALE $750 **
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Birth holds a very special place in my heart, as I'm a mama of 6 beautiful babies, myself! Each with their very own, unique birth story. How I wish I had thought to have them all documented to help remember and to go back and look at whenever my mama heart desires! That's why I began documenting births! To capture those fleeting moments that happen so quickly. The emotions and details. That first cry, wrinkly fingers and toes, how tiny they were in your arms.

Hiring a professional birth photographer ensures you get all those details documented while leaving your support partners free to attend to you and not needing to worry about capturing those moments!

Birth documentations include: 24/hr on call starting at 38weeks, your labor and birth documented from active labor through up to 2 hours after baby's birth, an online, password protected gallery of at least 50 images!

Please feel free to email with any questions you may have!

To view more examples of these sessions please visit link below:

**$200 deposit required to secure your session spot. Remaining $550 due by beginning of 38 week on call. Payment plans available upon request!**

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